Common Snakes in Brazos County
Venomous Snakes
The following are common snakes in Brazos County that are venomous:

There are 10 species of Rattlesnakes in Texas. One of the most common species is the Western Diamondback.
The Western Diamondback Rattlesnake has brown, diamond-shaped markings along the middle of the back and alternating black and white rings on the tails.
Water Moccasins

Water Moccasins are pit vipers that are relatively large in size, often ranging from 2 to 4 feet long. These snakes have thick, muscular bodies and are stout for their length. They are covered in keeled, or ridged, scales. Coloration of the Water Moccasin varies from dark brown or black to olive, banded brown or yellow.
These snakes are common around swampy, low-water terrain and habitat. They swim close to the top of the water, with their heads out.

The Copperhead is common mostly in yards and wooded areas. These snakes have chestnut or reddish-brown crossbands on a lighter colored body.
Copperheads are typically 20-30 inches in length and have an opening on each side of the head between the eye and the nostril.
Coral Snakes

Coral Snakes are bright in color and slender with a small in-distinctive head and round pupils. They are typically 2.5 feet or shorter.
Its distinctive pattern is a broad black ring, a narrow yellow ring and a broad red ring, with the red rings always bordered by the yellow rings.
Non-Venomous Snakes
The following are common snakes in Brazos County that are NOT venomous:
Texas Rat Snakes

The Texas Rat Snake is one of the most commonly encountered species of non-venomous snakes. These are large snakes capable of growing more than 77 inches in total body length. Despite their size, Texas Rat Snakes pose no threat to humans.
These snakes feed on mice, rats and other small mammals along with nestling birds and eggs. When frightened, they often assume a “Kinked” or “S” posture and remain motionless. The snake will vibrate their tail, can expel a malodorous musk, and will bite if harassed.
Western Ribbonsnakes

The Western Ribbonsnake is a very common snake in the Brazos Valley. This snake is predominately striped and typically is found near water. However, you might occasionally see this snake some distance from open water. This type of snake has a bronze-yellow stripe and some will have a greenish yellow stripe. Others can have a reddish orange stripe.
Western Ribbonsnakes are alert, fast moving and can bite when handle, although their small size makes the bites inconsequential.
Diamondback Water Snakes

The Diamondback Water Snake is a large non-venomous snake. This snake is predominantly brown, dark brown, or dark olive green in color, with a black net-link pattern along the back, with each spot being vaguely diamond-shaped. Dark vertical bars and lighter coloring are often present down the sides of the Diamond Water Snake. The underside is typically a yellow or light brown color, often with black blotching.
These snakes are common in lakes and ponds through much of Texas, particularly the damper eastern half of the state. They eat fish, frogs and other aquatic fauna.

Milksnakes look very similar to coral snakes. However, the Milksnake have black bands bordering both sides of its red bands. These snakes get their name because of the myth of their attaching to cow’s udders and receiving nourishment. The only remotely true thing about this myth is their occasional presence in barns, where they routinely feed on rodents and other snakes.
Though harmless, the Milksnake will bite at times when handled and will often release a foul-smelling musk, attempting to instigate its release.
What to Do If You Find a Snake in Your Yard?
These snakes are just the common snakes in Brazos County. Finding a snake in your yard can be an unsettling experience. If you spot a snake in your yard, leave it alone. They will leave rather than face you.
Make sure to call City Pest Control so that we can safely remove the snake using the proper tools. Contact us with the link below for more information on our snake pest control services!