Professional Rodent Control Services in Bryan/College Station, TX

professional rodent control services

Winter is the season that many rodents will seek shelter and food inside your home or business. Seeing even one mouse in your home or business can mean that there’s a whole family of rodents living in your basement, walls or in and between stored items. However, mice and rats are most active at night so may not even know you have a rodent infestation. Therefore, City Pest Control offers professional rodent control services in Bryan/College Station, TX.

Professional Rodent Control Services

Signs of Rodents in Your Home or Business

It can be difficult to sight rodents in your home due to these critters being most active at nighttime.

You may notice some of the following signs of rodents:

  • dark brown or black droppings
  • evidence of nesting
  • gnaw marks on doors and furniture
  • damage to packaged foods and dry goods
  • greasy tracks along the floor
  • footprints and tail tracks in dusty areas, especially along walls
  • squeaks, movements and unexplained sounds coming from behind your walls

How to Prevent Rodent Infestations in Your Home or Business

You must implement prevention methods early to maintain a rodent-free property. This is because rodents reproduce rapidly. Therefore, small populations can become full-blown infestations in very little time.

The following are a few tips on how to prevent rodent infestations in your home or business:

  • Keep any possible food sources away from rodents. Small crumbs and garbage are common sources of infestation. In addition, dry good such as grains and cereals are popular sources. Keep these in sealed metal or glass containers. Store fruits and vegetables properly. Avoid leaving waste in sinks or on counters.
  • Store cardboard objects or discard appropriately after use. Cardboard proves attractive to rodents, as they tend to chew them up for use in their nests.
  • Seal all openings to prevent entry. Rodents are capable of squeezing through tiny places. Therefore, seal all holes to prevent entry and reentry of rodents.

How to Remove Rodents from Your Home or Business

City Pest Control will begin with an inspection to determine if and where there is rodent activity. Our rodent exterminators will locate where the rats or mice are hiding and feeding to determine the scope of the rodent control problem.  We will then discuss the best course of action for the rodent infestation.

Our rodent exclusion services will find rodent entry points and then patch them to keep rodents out of your home or business.

Our professional technicians at City Pest Control provide professional rodent control services for the Bryan/College Station area. Contact us with the link below for more information or to schedule your rodent control services with us today!

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