Acrobat Ants vs. Carpenter Ants
Acrobat Ants
There are several different species of Acrobat Ants as well. These ants get their name from the funny habit of holding their abdomen above their thorax (or head) when disturbed. This habit makes them look like an acrobat who walks on their hands.
The main characteristic features of Acrobat Ants include the following:
- heart-shaped abdomen when viewing from above
- colors can vary from a light brown to a dark brown/black
- typically nest in decaying wood or wood already destroyed by termites or Carpenter Ants
Carpenter Ants

In Texas, there are 12 different species of Carpenter Ant. Therefore, these ants can be difficult to identify, as they vary in color and size. The color of carpenter ants can range from solid black, black head/red thorax/black abdomen, solid red and red head/red thorax/black abdomen. Often times, people confuse the male and female winged carpenter ants with termite swarmers.
Carpenter Ants are typically large, red and black. Also, they travel alone. While you may find a trail, only a few ants will be present. These ants are mostly nocturnal in the hot summer months in and around your home or business structure. The main characteristic features of Carpenter Ants include the following:
- heart-shaped head
- tiny hairs at the end of the abdomen
- only one segment between their thorax and abdomen
Both Are Wood Destroying Ants
Both Acrobat Ants and Carpenter Ants can cause damage to wood in and around structures. However, neither of these pests eat the wood as a termite does. These ant species rip and tear the wood to create nests. Carpenter Ants and Acrobat Ants can build nests in the following:
- outside wood structures
- wood piles
- fences
- old trees
- walls
- around windows
- doors
- decks
- attics
- landscape lumber
These are just the basics of Acrobat Ants vs. Carpenter Ants. If you believe you have an Acrobat Ant infestation or a Carpenter Ant infestation, contact our pest control experts with the link below to discuss an extermination plan.